Since the 1940's, NERC/NAHRO has experienced steady growth. Today, membership consists of over 250 Individual, Agency, and Affiliate members, representing more than 2500 housing officials and industry professionals. The majority of all federally-funded housing units and Section 8 housing unit organizations are members of NERC/NAHRO.
Benefits of membership in NERC-NAHRO include:
- Two annual conferences
- Education and training seminars
- Technical information and referral services
- Advocacy for affordable housing
- Quarterly newsletter
- Professional development opportunities to enhance yourself and the skills of your staff
- Networking opportunities
- Outstanding Agency Awards program
- Scholarship program
- Opportunities to represent your agency/organization by holding a regional leadership position with NERC/NAHRO
- Exclusive access to "Members Only" resources on our website including our Career Center Classifieds!
- Discounts on conferences ad trainings throughout the region
Join NERC NAHRO today!
Questions? Individuals, public agenices and businesses interested in joining NERC/NAHRO may also contact the NERC office at 617-742-6372 or